Ka'au Crater Boys
Acordes de Ka'au Crater Boys
Tabs, letras y acordes de Ka'au Crater Boys para guitarra, piano, etc.
5 Canciones Populares de Ka'au Crater Boys
24 Canciones de Ka'au Crater Boys (Ordenadas alfabéticamente)
- :: Are You Missing Me
- :: Brown Eyed Gril
- :: Carly Rose
- :: Changes in Latitudes, Changes in Attitudes
- :: Do You Really Want To Hurt Me So
- :: Friend Of The Devil
- :: Goodbye I'm Leaving
- :: Honolulu Baby
- :: Hualalai
- :: I Can Get Off On You
- :: I Hear Music
- :: I Like To Play The Reggae
- :: Kawika
- :: Lay Down Sally
- :: Makaha
- :: Opihi Man
- :: Palolo
- :: She Thinks I Still Care
- :: Sioux City Sue
- :: Still the One
- :: Surf
- :: The House At Pooh Corner
- :: Tropical Hawaiian Day
- :: You Don't Write
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