Tabs, letra y acordes de 'Dead' por Zoé
Versiones disponibles: Tablatura para bajo (bass tab) - Tablatura para bajo (bass tab) - Tablatura para guitarra (TAB) - Tablatura para guitarra (TAB) - Letra y acordes - Letra y acordes - Letra y acordes - Letra y acordes - Letra y acordes - Letra y acordes - Letra y acordes
Intro suenan 2 bajos uno que hace la base E I-----------00000000----------------------------I A I--44444444-------------------------------------I x 4 D I-----------------------------------------------I G I-----------------------------------------------I Y el otro toca esto al mismo tiempo E I-----------------------------------------------I A I-----------------------------------------------I x 4 D I-11-14-11-14-11-----11-14-16-------------------I G I-----------------13----------------------------I Verso E I-----------00000000----------------------------I A I--44444444-------------------------------------I x 8 D I-----------------------------------------------I G I-----------------------------------------------I Coro x 2 E I-----------------------------------------------I A I-9999999-0222222-0000000-45555555/-------------I D I-----------------------------------------------I G I-----------------------------------------------I E I------------------------------------------------I A I-9999999/14141414141414-1212121212121244444444-I D I------------------------------------------------I G I------------------------------------------------I Puente (dead dead) E I-----------------------------------------------I A I-77777777-44444444-00000000-77777777-----------I D I-----------------------------------------------I G I-----------------------------------------------I E I----------I A I----------I el bajo no hace nada 4 tiempos D I----------I G I----------I E I-----------------------------------------------I A I--44444444-77777777----------------------------I x 4 D I-----------------------------------------------I G I-----------------------------------------------I Verso 2 E I-----------------------------------------------I A I--44444444-77777777----------------------------I x 4 D I-----------------------------------------------I G I-----------------------------------------------I Coro 2 x 2 E I-----------------------------------------------I A I-9999999-0222222-0000000-45555555/-------------I D I-----------------------------------------------I G I-----------------------------------------------I E I------------------------------------------------I A I-9999999/14141414141414-1212121212121244444444-I D I------------------------------------------------I G I------------------------------------------------I Puente 2 Break de bataca E I-----------------------------------------------I A I-77777777-44444444-00000000--------------------I D I-----------------------------------------------I G I-----------------------------------------------I Outtro x 5 E I-----------------------------------------------I A I-9999999-0222222-0000000-45555555/-------------I D I-----------------------------------------------I G I-----------------------------------------------I E I------------------------------------------------I A I-9999999/14141414141414-1212121212121244444444-I D I------------------------------------------------I G I------------------------------------------------I Nota final E I--------------I A I----9---------I D I--------------I G I--------------I
Versión 2 - Dead (Tablatura para bajo (bass tab))
#---------NOTA---------# Este archivo es trabajo propio del autor y representa una interpretacion de la cancion. Puede ser usado unicamente para estudio privado, referencia o investigacion. #----------------------# Comentario: "Muy sencilla, no hay muchos cambios, pero hay que fijarse bien en la ritmica de los versos y aprenderse bien el coro." #-------# "Dead" por Zoé Tab para Bajo por Adrian Castañeda (c) Zoé #-------# Afinacion Standar [1G, 2D, 3A, 4E] #-------# [Intro] |G|---------------------|----------------------| |D|------------6--------|------------6---------| |A|----7---7------7--9--|----7---7------7--9-7-| |E|--9---9---9----------|--9---9---9-----------| |G|---------------------|----------------------| |D|------------6--------|------------6---------| |A|----7---7------7--9--|----7---7------7------| |E|--9---9---9----------|--9---9---9-----------| [Verso / Repite hasta coro] |G|---------------------------------| |D|---------------------------------| |A|-----------------7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-| |E|-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-----------------| Sé, sé, Sé como se siente Amor, Como muerde el Corazón, cuando se entrega el Alma. Perdón, Nunca quise hacerte Mal, pero siempre que me acerco al Fuego, Se me escurre el Diablo. [Coro X 2] |G|-------------------------------------------------------------| |D|----------------7--------------------------------------------| |A|-0-9--9-9-9-9-9---5--5-5-5-5-5-4-0--0-0-0-0-0-4-5--5-5-5-5-5-| |E|-------------------------------------------------------------| |G|-------------------------------------------------------------| |D|----------------7-9--9-9-9-9-9-9-7--7-7-7-7-7-9--------------| |A|-0-9--9-9-9-9-9---------------------------------5--5-5-5-5-4-| |E|-------------------------------------------------------------| Siento que me voy a Morir, Contemplando la membrana Azul, De tus ojos fulminando el Tiempo, y el Espacio. Siento que me voy a hundir, Que mis labios no funcionan más, y que tus lágrimas de laser, Desintegran mis palabras. [Puente] "Cada nota se toca 16 veces" |G|-------|-------|-------|-------| |D|-------|-------|-------|-------| |A|-7-X16-|-------|-------|-7-X16-| |E|-------|-9-X16-|-5-X16-|-------| Dead,Dead, Dead, Dead, oh, Dead, Dead [Verso / Repite hasta coro] |G|---------------------------------| |D|---------------------------------| |A|-----------------7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-| |E|-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-----------------| Perdón, Nunca quise hacerte Mal, pero siempre que me acerco al Fuego, Se me escurre el Diablo. [Coro X2] Siento que me voy a Morir, Contemplando la membrana Azul, De tus ojos fulminando el Tiempo, y el Espacio. Siento que me voy a hundir, Que mis labios no funcionan más, y que tus lágrimas de laser, Desintegran mis palabras. [Puente] "Cada nota se toca 16 veces" |G|-------|-------|-------|-------| |D|-------|-------|-------|-------| |A|-7-X16-|-------|-------|-xxxxx-| |E|-------|-9-X16-|-5-X16-|-------| Dead,Dead, Dead, Dead, oh, Dead, Dead [Coro Repite hasta el fin] Siento que me voy a Morir, Contemplando la membrana Azul, De tus ojos fulminando el Tiempo, y el Espacio. Siento que me voy a hundir, Que mis labios no funcionan más, y que tus lágrimas de laser, Desintegran mi alma. Desintegran mi alma, Desintegran mi alma, Desintegran mi alma, Desintegran mi alma, Desintegran mi alma. #-------# Eso es todo!! Suerte... #-------#
Versión 3 - Dead (Tablatura para guitarra (TAB))
Esta es la version Unplugged en las partes que canta Leon Larregui tocan sol y la con ceguilla el mi menor lo hacen normal y en las donde canta Adrian Dargelos toquen los acordes normal el breakdown y el intermedio y el final traten de darle ritmo saludos!! Intro: 1|----------------------------------------------------------------------| 2|----------------------------------------------------------------------| 3|----------------------------------------------------------------------| 4|------2------0------2------0-2~-------2------0------2----------0-2~---| 5|------------------------------------------------------------2---------| 6|---3-----3-----3-----3---------------3-----3-----3------3------------| G A Em Sé, sé, G A Em Sé como se siente Amor, G A Em Como muerde el Corazón, G A Em cuando se entrega el Al ma. G A Em Perdón, G A Em Nunca quise hacerte Mal, G A Em pero siempre que me acerco al Fuego, G A Em Se me escurre el Diablo. Pequeño intermedio: 1|---------------------------------|---------------------------0------| 2|---------8----------7------------|--------8------------------0------| 3|------7--------------------------|-----7------------7--------0------| 4|--7--------------7----7------5---|--7------------7-----7-----5------| 5|---------------------------------|----------------------------------| 6|---------------------------------|----------------------------------| Bm C Bm Sieeeeento que me vo' a morir, C Bm Contemplando la membrana Azul, C G De tus ojos fulminando el Tiempo, A y el Espacio. Bm C Bm Sieeeeento que me voy a hundir, C Bm Que mis labios no funcionan más, C G y que tus lágrimas de laser, A Desintegran mis palabras. G A Em muerto muerto G A Em muerto muerto G A Em muerto muerto G A Em muerto muerto Breakdown o Intermedio 2: 1|-------------------------------------------------------------------------| 2|--------------------------------------------------------------------------| 3|--------------------------------------------------------------------------| 4|------0--2-------2---------0--2----------0p2p0--------------------| 5|-------------------------------------------------------0p2p0----------| 6|--3------------3--------3----------------------------------------------| G A Em Perdón, G A Em Nunca quise hacerte Mal, G A Em pero siempre que me acerco al Fuego, G A Em Se me escurre el Diablo. Bm C Bm Sieeeeento que me vo' a morir, C Bm Contemplando la membrana Azul, C G De tus ojos fulminando el Tiempo, A y el Espacio. Bm C Bm Sieeeeento que me voy a hundir, C Bm Que mis labios no funcionan más, C G y que tus lágrimas de laser, A Desintegran mi alma G A Em Desintegran mi alma G A Em Desintegran mi alma G A Em Desintegran mi alma G A Em Desintegran mi alma Final: 1|---------------------------------|---------------------------0------| 2|---------8----------7------------|--------8------------------0------| 3|------7--------------------------|-----7------------7--------0------| 4|--7--------------7----7------5---|--7------------7-----7-----5------| 5|---------------------------------|----------------------------------| 6|---------------------------------|----------------------------------|
Versión 4 - Dead (Tablatura para guitarra (TAB))
Hola bno esto es para mi la cancion ya mas completa ia q les hace falta unos detalles ok, spero q les guste ademas q sta ya seria mi segunda tabla jaja OK se las dejo por cierto tome los acordes de ok lo demas lo saq ahi les va... Em A Sé, sé, Em A sé cómo se siente amor Em A cómo muerde el corazón, Em A cuando se entrega el al-ma Em A Perdón, Em A nunca quise hacerte mal, Em siempre que me acerco al fuego, Em A se me escurre el diablo CORO EsTaS sOn LaS nOtAs Q Io AlCaNzO a oIr UsTeDES Ya NaDA mAas deNlE LoS tIeMpOs Y Se EsCuChEn Bn La rOlA pArA q sEpAn LoS cAmBiOs (lo pueden tokr de otra forma q seria la cuerda 1 (mi) en el traste 9 y se tok las mismas veces como lo marco en la crda 2si) q sta en el traste 14 como stedes lo escuchen mejor.. distorsion poco MI /--------------------------------------------------------------- LA /--------------------------------------------------------------- RE /--------------------------------------------------------------- SOL/--------------------------------------------------------------- si /-14-14-14-14-14-14-14-14-14-14-14-14--12--12--12-14-14-14-14-14 MI /--------------------------------------------------------------- CORO F#m Bm Sieeen-to A D F#m que me voa morir, contemplando la membrana azul Bm A D de tus ojos fulminando el tiempo y el espacio F#m Bm Sieeen-to... q mis ñlabios no funcionan mas y q tusgrimas de laser desintegran mis palabras dead, dead ohhh dead dead ESTE ES UN TIPO SOLO se escucha con distrosion de acustik ok spero se oiga chido ok escuchen bn la rola pàra q sepan donde stan los cambios ok ya q en algunas partes se desequilibra el tono MI /------------------------------------------------------------ LA /------------------------------------------------------------ RE /------------------------------------------------------------ Sol/-6--6--6--6--6------6--6--6--6------6--6--6--6-------------- SI /---4--4--4--4--4--4---4--4--4--4--4--4--4--4--4------------- MI /------------------------------------------------------------- despues sigue el coro ok ustedes nada mas escuchen y sale solita LA rola ok Bno EsO eS ToDo SpErO q lES GuStE OK sAlUdOs A mIs AmIgOs DE lA SeC 116 ZaRaGoZa,CaSas,BeRNa,RaFa,PePE lUIs, CoCa Y A ToDoS y de aMiGaS a MiRoSshH YvOnNe-TqMmXtAm+OrR DaNy aRrIbA cUbOoOo vocal- DaNnY batak- BeRnA teclado,guitarra ritmik- YvOnNe BaJo- MiRoZz GuItArRa SoLiStA- MiGuEl (servidor)jiji NoS VeMoS cUaQuIeR dUdA aHi sTa Mi cORREeO HoWl VaLgEt /*-J.VaLdIvIa
Versión 5 - Dead (Letra y acordes)
(intro) G A Em G A Em D----2----0----2----0-2~--|---2----0----2------0-2~-- A-------------------------|------------------2------- E--3----3----3----3-------|-3----3----3----3--------- G A Em Sé, sé, G A Em Sé como se siente Amor, G A Em Como muerde el Corazón, G A Em cuando se entrega el Al ma. G A Em Perdón, G A Em Nunca quise hacerte Mal, G A Em pero siempre que me acerco al Fuego, G A Em Se me escurre el Diablo. Bm C Bm Sieeeeento que me vo' a morir, C Bm Contemplando la membrana Azul, C G De tus ojos fulminando el Tiempo, A y el Espacio. Bm C Bm Sieeeeento que me voy a hundir, C Bm Que mis labios no funcionan más, C G y que tus lágrimas de laser, A Desintegran mis palabras. G A Em muerto muerto muerto muerto muerto muerto muerto muerto G A Em Perdón, G A Em Nunca quise hacerte Mal, G A Em pero siempre que me acerco al Fuego, G A Em Se me escurre el Diablo. Bm C Bm Sieeeeento que me vo' a morir, C Bm Contemplando la membrana Azul, C G De tus ojos fulminando el Tiempo, A y el Espacio. Bm C Bm Sieeeeento que me voy a hundir, C Bm Que mis labios no funcionan más, C G y que tus lágrimas de laser, A Desintegran mi alma G A Em Desintegran mi alma Desintegran mi alma Desintegran mi alma Desintegran mi alma <black>FIN</black>
Versión 6 - Dead (Letra y acordes)
Tuned Down One Half Whole Step (DGCFAd) (main riff) d ||----------------------------| A ||--6--4--2--7--11--9---------| F ||----------------------------| C ||----------------------------| G ||----------------------------| D ||----------------------------| (outro riff) d ||----------------------------| A ||--7-------------------------| F ||-----8--6--4/6--------------| C ||----------------------------| G ||----------------------------| D ||----------------------------| (note: / = hammer on)
Versión 7 - Dead (Letra y acordes)
[Verse] C#m You could be here, but you're there E F#m A You could be anywhere and these days I don't even care no more C#m E You only be showing me love whenever you've had too much F#m A Whatever's been filling your cup, no more [Pre-Chorus] C#m Baby, no more showing up when you're not sober E A F#m At my front door just to say you're alone tonight C#m Yeah, tryna fuck me and my mind up E A F#m It's a reminder you're a liar and you know I'm right [Chorus] A C#m You say you can't live without me B So why aren't you dead yet? B Why you still breathing? A C#m If you say you can't live without me B Then why aren't you dead yet? B Why do you say that? [Verse] C#m E You could be here but you're not, I give whatever you want F#m A But you just take it and run, you run (oh run, run) C#m E And I give you so many shots but you just drinkin' 'em all F#m A You never give it a thought, oh lord (yeah) [Pre-Chorus] C#m Baby, no more showing up when you're not sober (sober) E A F#m At my front door just to say you're alone tonight (alone tonight) C#m Yeah, tryna fuck me and my mind up E A F#m It's a reminder you're a liar and you know I'm right [Chorus] A C#m You say you can't live without me B So why aren't you dead yet? B Why you still breathing? A C#m If you say you can't live without me B Then why aren't you dead yet? B Why do you say that? [Bridge] A Why, why, why, why? C#m Why, why, why, why? B Why, why, why, why? B Why aren't you dead yet? A Be careful what you say C#m Say only what you mean B Mean to me then you're nice B You're nice, you're nice A It's nice to know you now C#m Now that it all went down B Down on your knees you cry B F#m You cry, you cry, yeah [Chorus] A C#m You say you can't live without me B So why aren't you dead yet? B Why you still breathing? A C#m If you say you can't live without me B Then why aren't you dead yet? B Why do you say that? [Outro] A Why, why, why, why? C#m Why, why, why, why? B Why, why, why, why? B Why aren't you dead yet? A Why, why, why, why? C#m Why, why, why, why? B Why, why, why, why? B Why aren't you dead yet?
Versión 8 - Dead (Letra y acordes)
INTRO: Gtr 1 e|--------------------|---------------| B|--~~~~~~~--------|---------------| Gtr 2 d|--5-5-5-5-5-5-5-44--|--5-5-5-5-5-5-5-4--| a|--5-5-5-5-5-5-5-44--|--5-5-5-5-5-5-5-4--| E|--------------------|-------------------| Gtr 1 G|-------------------|----------4-4-4-4--| D|--5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5--|--4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4--| A|--5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5--|--5-5-5-5-2-2-2-2--| E|--3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3--|--2-2-2-2----------| Gtr 2 e|-----------------------------|-----12-10----17b-15h14p12-14h12p10-12h10p7--| B|--1515-15-15-15-15-15-15-12--|-----------12--------------------------------| G|-----------------------------|--12-----------------------------------------| Gtr 1 G|-------------------|--5-5-5-5-/7-8-7-5--| D|--2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2--|--5-5-5-5-----------| A|--2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2--|--3-3-3-3-----------| E|--0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0--|--------------------| Gtr 2 e|--------------12-15-15h14p12-14h12p10-----------| B|--15-15h13p12-------------------------12-10-12--| (continued) e|--15b-15b-15b--------------------------------------| B|---------------17h15p13-15h13p11-15h13p11----------| G|------------------------------------------12h10p9--| Verso 1 Gtr 1 D|--5----------------|----------5-5-4-4--|-------------------| A|--5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5--|--5-5-5-5-2-2-2-2--|--2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2--| E|--3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3--|--2-2-2-2----------|--0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0--| (continued) D|--5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5--| 2x A|--3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3--| E|-------------------| Gtr 2 e|-------------------|--------------------|------------------|2x, then, B|--8b---------8s10--|-----------8-7-5-7--|-------------5-5--|below (continued) e|------------5h7p5--|--------------------| B|---------8---------|-----3-3--5-5--7-7--| G|------(1st)--------|--------(2nd)-------| Pre-refrão Gtr 1 G|-------------------|--5~~--7~~-------| D|--7~~~~------------|--5~~--7~~-------| A|--7~~~~------------|--3~~--5~~-------| E|--5~~~~------------|-----------------| Gtr 2 G|-------------------|--5--7--4--------| D|--7-9-7-5-7-9-7-5--|----------7-4----| A|-------------------|--------------5--| E|-------------------|-----------------| Refrão Gtr 1 G|--1212121212121212--|--1111111111111111--|--1414141412121212--| D|---x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x--|---x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x--|---x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x--| A|--1010101010101010--|---9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9--|--1212121210101010--| E|--------------------|--------------------|--------------------| (continued) G|--1616171614141414--| 2x D|---x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x--| A|--1414151412121212--| E|--------------------| Gtr 2 G|------------|--44444444--|--55555555--|--88887777--| 2x D|--55555555--|--44444444--|--55555555--|--88887777--| A|--55555555--|--22222222--|--33333333--|--66665555--| E|--33333333--|------------|------------|------------| PRE-Verso Gtr 1 D|--5----------------|--5-5~~~~~~----------| A|--5----------------|--5------------------| E|--3----------------|--3------------------| Gtr 2 D|--5-5-5-5-5-5-5-4--|--5-5-5-5-5-5-5------| A|--5-5-5-5-5-5-5-4--|--5-5-5-5-5-5-5------| E|--3----------------|--3------------------| VERSo 2 Gtr 1 D|--5----------------|----------5-5-4-4--|-------------------| A|--5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5--|--5-5-5-5-2-2-2-2--|--2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2--| E|--3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3--|--2-2-2-2----------|--0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0--| Gtr 2 G|--x-12-x-12-x-12-x-12--|--x-11111111111111--|--x-12-x-12-x-12-x-12--| D|--x--x-x--x-x--x-x--x--|--x--x-x-x-x-x-x-x--|--x--x-x--x-x--x-x--x--| A|--x-10-x-10-x-10-x-10--|--x--9-9-9-9-9-9-9--|--x-10-x-10-x-10-x-10--| E|-----------------------|--------------------|-----------------------| Then, Both Guitars D|--5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5--| A|--3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3--| E|-------------------| Gtr 1 D|----5---5---5---5--|----------5-5-4-4--|-------------------| A|----5---5---5---5--|--5-5-5-5-2-2-2-2--|--2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2--| E|--3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3--|--2-2-2-2----------|--0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0--| Gtr 2 G|--x-12-x-12-x-12-x-12--|--x-11111111111111--|--x-9-x-9-x-9-x-9--| D|--x--x-x--x-x--x-x--x--|--x--x-x-x-x-x-x-x--|--x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x--| A|--x-10-x-10-x-10-x-10--|--x--9-9-9-9-9-9-9--|--x-7-x-7-x-7-x-7--| E|-----------------------|--------------------|-------------------| Then, Gtr 1 D|--5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5--| A|--3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3--| E|-------------------| Gtr 2 e|----------------------| B|--------10--------10--| G|-----12--------12-----| D|--12--------12--------| BRIDGE Both Guitars then, some weird effects (trumpets, etc.) fills in the bridge and I?m sorry, figure that out D|--7--|yourself ;p;p;p A|--7--| E|--5--| Then, Gtr 1 G|--1617161716171617--|--19191919191919192121212123232323--| D|---x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x--|---x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x--| A|--1415141514151415--|--17171717171717171919191921212121--| E|--------------------|------------------------------------| SOLO Gtr 1 G|------------|--44444444--|--55555555--|--88887777--| 2x D|--55555555--|--44444444--|--55555555--|--88887777--| A|--55555555--|--22222222--|--33333333--|--66665555--| E|--33333333--|------------|------------|------------| Gtr 2 G|---------------------9--|----------------12--| D|----------------9-12----|--12-9----12-12-----| A|--10-10-1010-12---------|-------12-----------| E|------------------------|--------------------| (continued) D|-----------9-------7-9-7-5~~------------9-------7-9-7------| A|--12p10-10---12p10-------------12p10-10---12p10-------5~~--| E|-----------------------------------------------------------| (continued) e|-------------------------| B|--12p10p8----------------| G|----------11p9p7---------| D|-----------------5--5~~--| (continued) e|-----------------------------|--------7-------------7-------------| B|-----------------------------|------8---8---------8---8~~~--------| G|--7-7--7-7--7-7--7-7-5-------|--7h9---------5h7h9-----------7~~~--| D|--7----7----7-7--------8--5--|------------------------------------| (continued) e|--17p15t12-19p17t15-17p15t12-19p17t15-17p15t12-19p17t15-17p15t12-19p17t15--| B|---------------------------------------------------------------------------| (continued) e|--20p15t12-17p15t12-19p17t15-17p15t12--19-17-15-15-17-15--| B|----------------------------------------------------------| End the solo on: Gtr 1 D|--5-----|---------------------------------| A|--5-----|---------------------------------| E|--3-----|---------------------------------| Gtr 2 e|--15~~--|---------------------------------| B|--------|---------------------------------| OUTRO Gtr 1 G|--12-9-7-12-7--7--|--12-9-7-14-9--9--|--12-9-7-12-9--9--|--7-9-12-14-14--| 4x D|---x-x-x--x-x--x--|---x-x-x--x-x--x--|---x-x-x--x-x--x--|--x-x--x--x--x--| A|--10-7-5-10-5--5--|--10-7-5-12-7--7--|--10-7-5-10-7--7--|--5-7-10-12-12--| E|------------------|------------------|------------------|----------------| Gtr 2 G|------------|--44444444--|--55555555--|--77777777--| 4x D|--55555555--|--44444444--|--55555555--|--77777777--| A|--55555555--|--22222222--|--33333333--|--55555555--| E|--33333333--|------------|------------|------------| End on: Gtr 1 D|--5------------------|--5--| A|--5------------------|--5--| E|--3------------------|--3--| Gtr 2 e|------------------|-----| B|------------------|-----| G|---------------------|-----| D|--5-5-5-5-5-5-5------|--5--| A|--5-5-5-5-5-5-5------|--5--| E|--3------------------|--3--| Lyrics: My Chemical Romance - Dead! And if your heart stops beating, I'll be here wondering, Did you get what you deserve? The ending of your life And if you get to heaven I'll be here waiting, baby, To get what you deserve, The ending of your life Won't wait, And my heart can't take this hurt, You heard the news that you're dead, I know I never had much nice to say, I'm thinking about you anyways, Take me from the hospital bed, (in audible) And wouldnt it be great if we were dead, We're Dead! So tired and Oh so squeamish, You never felt enough, To get what you deserve The ending of your, And if you get to heaven, I'll be here waiting, baby, To get what you deserve, The ending of your life, Won't wait, And your heart can't take this hurt, You heard the news that youre dead i know i never had much nice to say, I'm Thinking about you anyways, You're Dead, Before the hospital bed, Walking around and you're kissing my hand, And we're wondering away that's what, We're, And in my honest observation during this operation found a complication in your heart so wrong, Cause now you've gone Maybe just two weeks to live is that the most ,THE MOST THAT YOU CAN GIVE?!, Let's go, Na na na na na, Na na na na na, Na na na na na, Na na na na na, Na na na na na, Na na na na na, Did you just do, That here and now, It's just a joke, And why are we broke, It's just a joke, And we'd you go, It's just a joke And what have I done? Dead!
Versión 9 - Dead (Letra y acordes)
I've made mistakes, been dishonest
Self-estranged, did what I wanted
I was a fake, I slept just the same
I'm not a saint, no, I'm not a saint
C Am7 G
Oh, no it doesn't make sense
C Am7 G
Oh, no I don't understand
When things are good
I don't believe that they're for real
Am7 G
I really wish I could
just tell myself I gotta feel
Feel something else instead
Cause lately life is like a dream
Am7 G
It's messing with my head
I must be dead
I've been a wreck, took things too far
Made a mess, felt like a star
C G G (strum once)
I've broken hearts and goddamn I slept the same
I'm not a saint, no, I'm not a saint
C Am7 G
Oh, no it doesn't make sense
C Am7 G
Oh, no I don't understand
When things are good
I don't believe that they're for real
Am7 G
I really wish I could
just tell myself I gotta feel
Feel something else instead
Cause lately life is like a dream
Am7 G
It's messing with my head
I must be dead
So, suddenly it's all picture perfect
Am7 G
Life is so good and I don't deserve it
( C F )
( Am7 G )
When things are good
I don't believe that they're for real
Am7 G
I really wish I could
just tell myself I gotta feel
Feel something else instead
Cause lately life is like a dream
Am7 G
It's messing with my head
I must be dead
I must be dead
Am7 G
I must be dead (I must be dead I don't believe it)
I must be dead (I tell myself I could be dreaming)
Am7 G
I must be dead (I must be dead I don't believe it)
( C F )
( Am7 G )
( C F )
( Am7 G )
Versión 10 - Dead (Letra y acordes)
# Date: Fri, 01 Mar 1996 02:17:18 EST From: VBGS55C@* (MR DENI DUROUSSEAU) from "Doolittle" transcribed by VBGS55C@* Rhy. Fig 1 E------------------|------------| B-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4--|------4-4-4-| G------------------|------------| D------------------|------------| A------------------|------------| E------------------|------------| Rhy. Fig 2 E-10-10\--3--1-|--7--7--| B--------------|--------| G--------------|--------| D--------------|--------| A--------------|--------| E--------------|--------| Rhy. Fig 3 E-1-1-4-1--4-1-|-4-6-4-3-3-1-|-1-1-4-1--4-1-|-4-6-4-/13--|-1-1-4-1--4- 1-| B--------------|-------------|--------------|------------|------------ --| G--------------|-------------|--------------|------------|------------ --| D--------------|-------------|--------------|------------|------------ --| A--------------|-------------|--------------|------------|------------ --| E--------------|-------------|--------------|------------|------------ --| Verse: Guit. 1 - [Rhy. Fig 1] Guit. 2 - A C D you crazy babe bathsheba, i wantcha Guit. 1 - [Rhy. Fig 1] Guit. 2 - A C D you're suffocating you need, a good shed Guit. 1 - [Rhy. Fig 1] Guit. 2 - A C D i'm tired of living, shebe, so gimme Guit. 1 - [???] Guit. 2 - A dead Chorus: Guit. 1 - [Rhy. Fig 2] Guit. 2 - D A C [Play ?? times] dead Play Verse and Chorus again then: Bridge: Guit. 1 - [Rhy. Fig. 3] Guit. 2 - A# C F A# C F A# C F Break: Both Guit. - A G F# Note: Use E and A type bar chords for the chords. Lyrics: you crazy babe bathsheba, i wantcha you're suffocating you need, a good shed i'm tired of living, shebe, so gimme dead we're apin', rapin', tapin' catharsis you get torn down and i get erected my blood is working but my, my heart is dead hey, whaddyah know? you're lovely tan belly is starting to grow uriah hit the crapper, the crapper uriah hit the crapper, the crapper uriah hit the crapper, the crapper dead
Versión 11 - Dead (Letra y acordes)
Riff A e|-1- B|-1- G|-1- D|--- A|--- E|--- (Riff *b*) (Riff B) (Bruce jumps in with this) (Just listen for it) E|---------------------------------------------------- -----1----- B|---------------------------------------------------- -----1----- G|---------6-4---------6-6---------6-4---------6-5-4-- D|---------6-4---------6-6---------6-4---------6-5-4-- A|-0-2-3-2-4-2-0-2-3-2-4-4-0-2-3-2-4-2-0-2-3-2-4-3-2-- E|-0-2-3-2-----0-2-3-2-----0-2-3-2-----0-2-3-2-------- (Riff C) E|---- B|---- THIS IS REPEATED THROUGHOUT THE VERSE G|---- D|---- A|---- E‹2‹- (Riff D) E|-------------------- THIS IS PLAYED DURING FOR THE CHORUS B|-4‹-4‹-4----6‹-6‹-6- G‹-6‹-6-------6‹-6--- D|---6‹-6-------6‹-6-- A|-------------------- E|-------------------- (4x) (4x) then the first part (2x) All the lead stuff that Bruce jumps in with starts on string one and on frets 5 and up once u get to playing the song and getting a feel for it, it gets easier to figure out the solo partsŠ oh the solo start¹s at the 12th fret (what a surprise) which I think is Bruce¹s new trademark for solos or something. (Riff A) then (Riff B) then (riff B) w/(Riff *b*) (Riff C) IN YOUR YOUTH YOU HAD YOUR FILL THE CURTAINS CLOSE THE SILENCE STILL (riff B) w/(riff *b*) (Riff C) IN YOU HEAD YOU ARE THE STAR BUT I CAN¹T SEE YOU AS YOU ARE (riff B) w/(some solo stuff) (Riff D) DEAD YOUR SO YOUR OF TOUCH DEAD BECAUSE YOU TALK TO MUCH YOU THINK YOU¹RE ON HIGHER GROUND INTELLIGENCE IS SO PROFOUND WELL IM NEVER COMIN DOWN Your razor tongue has lost its rhyme The words are dull and out of time You make no difference to me Cause I can¹t teach the blind to see Chores Solo w/(riff C) repeat, then (riff A) Chores The rest is common sense, if not get a clue
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