Heralds (Acoustic)
Tabs, letra y acordes de 'Heralds (Acoustic)' por Wolves At The Gate
F#m D A E F#m F#m D E Check my pulse, am I still breathing? Bm D F#m D Will You grasp my wrist and hold it dear to You heart? E Bm D To see if I am beating for You and only You my Father F#m E Bm A E F#m E Bm A E/G# D Bm A G#m How we live and fight is who we are F#m Whom shall I send? And who will go for us? D Bm Whom shall I send? And who will go for us? F#m Who you are is all from Me D Bm Who you are is all from Me D E F#m I'm leaving behind the things of this world D E F#m So test me oh Lord, examine my soul D E F#m Give light to my eyes to see Your glory divine and break through these skies D E F#m F#m F#m Hear me when I cry to see Your grace come down and purge these dead lives D Bm A G#m F#m F#m I will live to fight for these dead lives D Bm Bm A G#m G#m How we live and fight is who we are F#m A D Bm And as You dwell inside my heart your burning a fire that's growing F#m A D Bm So when I feel the warmth subside rekindle the embers that's burning F#m D E Check my pulse, am I still breathing? Bm D F#m D Will You grasp my wrist and hold it dear to You heart? E Bm To see if I am beating for You F#m D A herald I am E Bm D For sin is destroyed F#m D E Bm D How we live the fight is who we are F#m D Still send me F#m D E F#m Still send me
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