Kampen Intro
Tabs, letra y acordes de 'Kampen Intro' por Windir
ok, so before i start, i just want to say 3 things: 1.)this song deffinately is the best song you will ever hear 2.)this might not be 100% correct but hey, its my first. 3.)the timing is a little sketchy, figure it out your self, its too late for me to do like 5:44 am and i havent slept in a week) so...here we go ---------------------------------------------------------| ---------------------------------------------------------| -----------------9--9-9-9-10--10-10--10--9---9-9--9------| ---7-----7-7---7-7--7-7-7-0---0--0----0--7---7-7--7------| ---0-----0-0---0-0--0-0-0----------------0---0-0--0------| ---------------------------------------------------------| ---------------------------------------------------------| ---------------------------------------------------------| -----------------9--9-9-9-10--10-9----7--10---9----------| ---7-----7-7---7-7--7-7-7-0---0--0----0---0-7-7----------| ---0-----0-0---0-0--0-0-0-------------------0-0----------| ---------------------------------------------------------| and...thats all i know:D have fun with this wicked awesome song dudes!!:D metal is forever!! any questions??? add me msn -- *
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