Tabs, letra y acordes de 'Chester' por William Billings
Tipo de gaita: Qualquer tipo Tom: qualquer CHESTER WILLIAM BILLINGS 6 -6 -7 7 6 -6 7 -7 -6 6 Let ty-rants shake their i - ro-n rod, 6 6 6 6 -7 6 -5 5 -5 5 -4 4 -4 And slav'ry cla-ng her - - gal - ling chains. 6 -6 -6 6 -6 -7 7 6 -6 -7 7 We'll fear them not, We - tru-st in - God. 7 -7 -6 6 -6 6 -5 5 -5 6 4 -5 5 -4 4 Ne-w England's God - - - for - ev - - er reigns. Howe and Burgoyne and Clinton, too With Prescott and Cornwallis join'd, Together plot our overthrow, In one infernal league combined. When God inspired us for the fight Their lines were broke, their lines were forc'd, Their ships were shelter'd in our sight Or swiftly driven from our coast. The foe comes on with haughty stride, Our troops advance with martial noise. Their vet'rans flee before our youth And generals yield to beardless boys. What grateful offerings shall we bring, What shall we render to the Lord? Loud hallelujahs let us sing And praise his name on every chord.
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