I Am Legend
Tabs, letra y acordes de 'I Am Legend' por White Zombie
By: Kenny Neumann *** Standard tuning play the first two bars, then ending 1. again play first two bars, then ending 2, again frist rwo bars, then ending 3 if tabbed. do this for all: Intro Main Verse Riff,Slow Heavy Bridge Part Middle Verse. i have not tabbed the solo but i will, the tabbed scale is the one J uses. play the main riff 12 times, then the bridge and then the chorus 4 times. again main riff 12 times, then bridge and chorus 4 times, play the solo on Am, then return to the meoldy. Intro Main Verse Riff Ending #1 Ending #2 |----|---------------------------------|-----------------|-----------| |----|---------------------------------|-----------------|-----------| |----|---------------------------------|-----------------|-----------| |----|-7/9-9\7/9-9\7/9-9\7/9-7/9-9\7/9-|-----------------|-10--7-----| |-2--|-5/7-7\5/7-7\5/7-7\5/7-5/7-7\5/7-|-5-----7-----8\7-|-10--7-----| |-0--|---------------------------------|-3-0-0-5-0-0-6\5-|-8---5-----| Chorus |--------------------------------------------------------------------| |--------------------------------------------------------------------| |--------------------------------------------------------------------| |-----------------------4/5\4-2--------------------------------------| |---3/4---3/4---4\3/4---2/3\2-0---3/4---3/4---3----------------------| |-0-1/2-0-1/2-0-2\1/2-0---------0-1/2-0-1/2-0-1-3-2-1-0-1-2-3--------| Slow Heavy Bridge Part Middle Verse Ending#1 Ending#2 |----------------------|-------------------|---------|---------------| |----------------------|-------------------|---------|---------------| |----------------------|-9-------9-------9-|---------|---------------| |-2-3-2-5--------------|-9-------9-------9-|---------|---------------| |-2-3-2-5-------5------|-7-------7-------7-|-8\7-5/7-|-5/7-8\7-------| |-0-1-0-3-5-6-7---8-7--|---0-0-0---0-0-0---|-6\5-3/5-|-3/5-6\5-------| Ending#3 Scale for solo Am |---------||---|---|---|---|---|----|---|-12-|-13-|----|-15-|---|-17-| |---------||---|---|---|---|---|-*--|---|-12-|-13-|----|-15-|---|----| |---------||---|---|---|---|-*-|-*--|---|-12-|----|-14-|----|---|----| |-9-------||---|---|-*-|---|-*-|-*--|---|-12-|----|-14-|-15-|---|----| |-7-8-x-8-||-5-|---|-7-|-8-|---|-10-|---|-12-|----|-14-|-15-|---|----| |---6-x-6-||-5-|---|-7-|-8-|---|-*--|---|----|----|----|----|---|----|
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- :: White Zombie - Acordes de Creature Of The Wheel
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