Oh My Dear I Must Be Falling In Love
Tabs, letra y acordes de 'Oh My Dear I Must Be Falling In Love' por Ween
Tabbed by: SyntheticSocks Tuning: Standard EADGBE T(G)ell me where you c(F#)ome from was it h(E)eaven above O(C)h my d(Bm)ear I must be f(D)alling in l(G)ove Can you climb the sunny peaks of a fortress in love Oh my dear I must be falling in love Did I tell you I want more than what you�re really made of Oh my dear I must be falling in love Can you scope a blurble blunder and admit that you are young Oh my dear I must be falling in love ***SOLO*** E----------------------------------------------------------------------------| B---------3---3h5--5/8---8/10-8---8h10--8-10--b(12)-(12)r10--8h10--8b9r8b9r8-| G-4--4-5---------------------------------------------------------------------| D----------------------------------------------------------------------------| A----------------------------------------------------------------------------| E----------------------------------------------------------------------------| E-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| B-----3--3-3h5-3h5-5b6r5---3/5--5/8--8/10--10/12--12/14---15/17-15 15b17r15b(17)r15---| G-4-5---------------------------------------------------------------------------------| D-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| A-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| E-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| Key h-hammer on /-slide b-bend r-release bend ()-notes while bent
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