Leave Her Johnny

Stan Rogers

Tipo de gaita: Diatônica
Tom: qualquer

Sea Shanty. Trad.

6  6   4     5 6  6    7   -7  -6  6  5  4   
Oh the times were hard and the wag-es low,
-4    -4   -4   4  5     6
Leave her ,John-ny leave her
6   6 -6    -6  6    5 5 -5 6  5
And I think its time for us to go,
4   -4  5    5   6  4  -4    4
And its time for us to leave her,
-4    -4   -4   4   5    6
Leave her, John-ny leave her
7  -7  -6    -6   -6  6   5    6 
Oh its leave her John-ny leave her,
6      6   -6 -6   -6 6     
Cause’ the voy-age is done 
5   5   -5    6     5
And the winds don’t blow,
4   -4  5    5   5  -4 -4    4
And its time for us to leave her.

For more verses go to Mudcat.
This shanty was sung at the end of a voyage.
I used to sail on a sail training ship and the
permanent crew used to sing this as a crew of stroppy
kids finished their voyage.They used to sob
there hearts out. Terry.