Jake the Peg

Rolf Harris

Tipo de gaita: Diatônica
Tom: A

 6   -5  -4   4    4   4   4  4   4  4  4
I'm Jake the Peg, did-dle idd-le idd-le um
  6  6  -6  6  -4   -4  -4  -4  -4  -4  -4  -4
With my ex-tra leg, did-le idd-le idd-le um
  6   -6 -6 -7 7   -5    -5  -5  -5
Where ev-er I go through rain or snow
-5    6  -6 -7  5    5  5   5  
The peop-le al-ways let me know
   6     -5  -4   4    4  4    4   4  4  4  4
There's Jake the Peg, did-dle idd-le idd-le um
 6    6  -6 -7   7
With his ex-tra leg!

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for details of the Aussie Song Booklet