Holy, Holy
Tabs, letra y acordes de 'Holy, Holy' por Marco Barrientos
Versiones disponibles: Letra y acordes - Letra y acordes
Verse1: E Let every living thing give him worship, A Let everything that has breath praise the Lord E B Let all the earth exalt his holy name Verse2: E Trees of the field and the mountains do extol him A Oceans roar at the sound of his name E Shout it out shout it out to all the nations B Lift your voices and sing Coro: E E/G# A Holy, holy fill the earth with your glory E B To the one who is mighty the one who is awesome we sing E E/G# A Singing worthy, worthy the lamb is worthy E B let the song of redeeming love forever ring Verse3: E A Praise him in his holy sanctuary praise him in his mighty E B Expanse all the works shall praise his holy name Verse4: E Praise him for his excellent greatness A Praise him for his mighty deeds E Shout it out shout it out to all the nations B Lift your voices and sing
Versión 2 - Holy, Holy (Letra y acordes)
Intro: G - G9 - D G - G9 - D - G Holy, Holy C G D Holy is the Lord, God Almighty G - G9 - D - G Holy, Holy C G D Holy is the Lord, God Almighty C D C D Who was, and is, and is to come C D C D Who was, and is, and is to come G C D Lift up His name, with sound of singing, G C D Lift up his name in all the earth Em C D Lift up your voice and give Him glory Am C D For He is worthy to be praised
Acordes populares de Marco Barrientos
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- :: Marco Barrientos - Acordes de Aleluya, Aleluya
- :: Marco Barrientos - Acordes de Poderoso Dios
- :: Marco Barrientos - Acordes de Lo único que quiero
- :: Marco Barrientos - Acordes de Nada es imposible
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