Winning a Battle, Losing The War

Tabs, letra y acordes de 'Winning a Battle, Losing The War' por Kings Of Convenience


|-----7--0---7----2-0--| x4 


main part:

|-----2-2---0---0-0*--| x2
*sometimes the last 0 isn't played
|-----7--0---7----2-0--| x2 



|------0--0---0-----|       |------1--1---1-----|
|----3--3---3---3---|       |----3--3---3---3---|
|-----0--0---0---0--|       |-----3--3---3---3--|
|------2------2-----|       |------3------3-----|
|--3------3---------|       |--1------1---------|
|-------------------|       |-------------------|

|-----0-2-0----| x2


the sun sets on the war....
|----0----0--------|    |----0----0--------|
|-----10---10--10--|    |-----10---10--10--|
|-------10---10----|    |-------10---10----|
|--10--------------|    |--12--------------|
|------------------|    |------------------|
|------------------|    |------------------|


C9  ,  B


instrumental 2:

F  , Dm/Bb


the sun sets on the war....
(at the end)

|-----2-2---0---0-----| x2

end chord: (new...)

|--~2--| x 2

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