the more we are together

german beer drinking song

Tipo de gaita: Diatônica
Tom: C

 5    6  -6  6  -5   5  4  4  -4   3   3  5   4
the more we are to-geth-er to-geth-er to-geth-er
 4    6  -6  6  -5   5   4  4  -4  -4  3  3    4
the more we are to-geth-er,the happ-i-er we`ll be
 4   -4     3     3  5     4
for your friends are my friends
 4  -4    3     3   5      4
and my friends are your friends
 4   6   -6  6 -5   5   4   4  -4  -4  3   3   4
the more we are to-geth-er,the happ-i-er we`ll be.

this tune is played staccato style,and is quite