Tv Mama

Tabs, letra y acordes de 'Tv Mama' por Johnny Winter



          (*   *)

  (*                                                   *)
   Well I laid down last night           and I turned my    tv  on

                         you know I laid down last night I turned my t  v on

                                                    you know she's a good old

 box people  but I believe my tube is blown

        Well my baby    she was cryin'            want me to get my tv fixed

                                             ohuuu she was cryin'

  wanna get my  t     v  fixed

 (*                 *)
 she said our tv needs service and she needs it mighty quick      by the way

  now                      well I called the t v doctor  he came over right

   away        He said to see what he can do he'd have to haul my tube away

    I told no                             that will never do

                                      (*                             *)
                                      man if you don't get the picture

  I'm gonna do some work on you                        work a while go ahead





                                       (slowly slide between 12th and 11th)
                                                 ...         ...
                      (get the picture right now?)

                              (*           *)

                                                 (*           *)

 (*                  *)

                                                 got my tv working

                                             *)           (* *)
 my old tube is like brandnew                   you know I got my tv workin'

 (*            *)
  my old tube is like brandnew

          (*                 *)
          just come over baby          and I show my tube to you  haha...



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